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Introducing the New Shockwave C²⁺


A Shockwave C2+ Clinical Case by Peter O’Kane MD FRCP

Dr. Peter O’Kane reviews a bifurcation left main case with eccentric calcification.

EuroPCR 2023 Case in Point: More Pulses to Take You Further Across All Calcium Morphologies

In this case-based session, Prof. Michael Haude and Dr. Jonathan Hill lead a great panel in an interesting discussion about the new Shockwave C2+ catheter and demonstrate its use in complex calcified lesions such as bifurcations, eccentric calcium and nodular calcium.

Shockwave C²⁺ case by Prof Michael Haude & Dr Milad Golabkesh: Heavily Calcified Long LAD Stenosis

Prof Michael Haude & Dr Milad Golabkesh discuss the new Shockwave C2+ Coronary IVL catheter and share a complex PCI case.

Shockwave C²⁺ case by Prof Michael Haude & Dr Milad Golabkesh: Calcified LM / LAD / LCX Stenosis

Prof. Michael Haude & Dr. Milad Golabkesh discuss the new Shockwave C2+ Coronary IVL catheter and share a complex PCI case.

But wait, there's more to discover in our Calcium IVLeague

See all videos in Calcium IVLeague

Ready to Make Waves with Shockwave Medical?