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TopShock Case Competition - The Best of the Best IVL Cases


TCT2019 TopShock Symposium Winning Case: “TAVR: Leriche Lovin’” Presentation by Dr. Thomas Waggoner

Dr. Thomas Waggoner presents his winning TopShock case at the Shockwave IVL sponsored TCT 2019 Symposium. The three TopShock competition finalists, Dr. Peter Soukas, Dr. Raj Tayal, and Dr. Thomas Waggoner, presented their impressive Shockwave IVL cases, which were then voted on by the audience to determine the TCT2019 TopShock Winner. Led by moderators Dr. Dean Kereiakes and Dr. Jonathan Hill.

TCT2019 TopShock Symposium: “Impella: No Access, No Problem” Presentation by Dr. Raj Tayal

Dr. Raj Tayal presents his TopShock case at the Shockwave IVL sponsored TCT 2019 Symposium. The three TopShock competition finalists, Dr. Peter Soukas, Dr. Raj Tayal, and Dr. Thomas Waggoner, presented their impressive Shockwave IVL cases, which were then voted on by the audience to determine the TCT2019 TopShock Winner. Led by moderators Dr. Dean Kereiakes and Dr. Jonathan Hill.

TCT2019 TopShock Symposium: “CLI: Look Mom, No Recoil” Presentation by Dr. Peter Soukas

Dr. Peter Soukas presents his TopShock case at the Shockwave IVL sponsored TCT 2019 Symposium. The three TopShock competition finalists, Dr. Peter Soukas, Dr. Raj Tayal, and Dr. Thomas Waggoner, presented their impressive Shockwave IVL cases, which were then voted on by the audience to determine the TCT2019 TopShock Winner. Led by moderators Dr. Dean Kereiakes and Dr. Jonathan Hill.

But wait, there's more to discover in our Calcium IVLeague

See all videos in Calcium IVLeague

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